Electronics Diagonal Cutter 120 mm, 77 32 120 H

1 469,16 kr
Electronics Diagonal Cutter 120 mm, 77 32 120 H kan köpas i mängder av 1
Electronics Diagonal Cutter 120 mm, 77 32 120 H
For extreme demands on cutting pliers caused by hard or tough materials, e.g. piano, nickel, tungsten and diode wire, such as those used more frequently in the electronics and aerospace industries. Always the right cutting tool, even with the hardest material. Precision carbide metal cutting edges soldered into forged blanks. Sturdy, zero-backlash box joint. Hardness of the carbide cutting edges 80 - 83 HRC. Pliers with carbide metal cutting edges have a substantially longer service life than such with conventional cutting edges. Constantly reliable cutting results due to the avoidance of cutter deformations. High cost saving due to longer service life of the pliers. With small bevel. Pointed head with chamfer.
Mer information
Varenr KNI-7732120H
Vekt i kg 0.080000
Opprinnelsesland Tyskland
Fabrikat Knipex
Normal Delivery time 2-3 weeks
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