Link-ledning 22,5 cm

45,84 kr
Link-ledning 22,5 cm kan köpas i mängder av 1
Link-ledning 22,5 cm
Link-ledning 22,5 cm Perfect cord for linking ESD bench mats. Link cord, 230mm long, with 10mm snaps both ends. Blue as standard colour Perfect for linking bench mats. A high-quality straight cord that provides a strong connection to ground by linking mats on a workstation together.Unlike many other ESD cords, this design has double thickness material to ensure outer layer insulation for complete operator safety. Premium, durability ESD cords designed to be worn in an ESD working area. To ensure a path to ground, essential when handling components or assembling parts in an EPA. An EPA will not permit any item that could potentially buildup static electricity, resulting in an electrostatic discharge (ESD). Custom configuration and alternative colours available on request. Long-lasting and must be used in combination with a bonding plug to ensure operator is grounded.
Mer information
Varenr BOND-SCS109
Vekt i kg 0.030000
Opprinnelsesland Storbritannien
Fabrikat Bondline
Normal Delivery time 2-3 weeks
Toll nr. 63072010
Lengde i mm 225
Produsent S315ENT
Isolasjonsgrad ESD Compliant